Upcoming events
Check out what’s next! Our events are FREE! Click on the event to learn more and register!

Green Blocks: Parkland-Midland Planting Event
The Tacoma Tree Foundation is bringing trees to Parkland and Midland in April! Our goal is to distribute hundreds of trees to the area. Trees reduce polluted stormwater, cool neighborhoods, slow traffic, and help residents create a greener community.

Green Blocks: Parkland-Midland Tree Share
Visit with our tree experts, ask questions, pick out your plants, receive planting advice and visit with neighbors at our Tree Share Event.

Earth Day Celebration at Meridian Habitat Park
Join us in celebrating Earth Day on Saturday, April 12, from 11 am to 2 pm at Meridian Habitat Park! Immerse yourself in the great outdoors and take part in a variety of free demonstrations, nature activities, and games suitable for all ages. It's a day filled with fun and learning as we come together to appreciate the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

Nature Mindfulness Walk Franklin Park with Sarah Low
Away from screens, listening to the songs of birds, and watching the branches sway in the breeze, we can find peace. As we emerge from our winter cocoons, come practice mindfulness with us and learn strategies to help ground yourself in the season ahead.

Relaciones Reciprocas: la Tierra y Nosotras
En este taller de escritura somática, practicaremos la respiración, la afirmación, la terapia somática, la escritura y el compartir durante nuestro tiempo juntes.
During this somatic writing workshop, we will practice using breath, affirmation, somatic therapy, writing, and sharing during our time together.

Decreasing Canopy Change - A Presentation with Sarah Low
Tree canopy is declining in cities across the US. Even with planting efforts, the overall canopy is dwindling. Sarah Low will discuss some reasons for this, the consequences associated with lost tree canopy, and the role policy plays in helping to stabilize and increase canopy. Finally, we will focus on how Tacoma can protect itself from tree canopy loss.

Sustainability Expo
Visit our Tree Share and Informational Booth at the 17th Annual South Sound Sustainability Expo!

Fungi Connections: Mycology 101 with Lisa Kenny
What you’ll learn:
How mycology can support community resilience
What fungi/mycelium are with an overview of the Fungi kingdom
Benefits and uses of fungi
Inoculation process

Vernal Equinox Tree Walk at Chinese Reconciliation Park
The vernal (meaning fresh) equinox is when the sun is directly over the equator–in other words, the first day of spring! Join us at Chinese Reconciliation Park to enjoy the change of season together and the beautiful plants that fill this waterside park. Our walks happen rain or shine.

Green Blocks: Hilltop Planting Event
Green Blocks: Hilltop provides planting assistance to participants who need it. Thank you for helping us provide this integral service. Our planting events are family and ability-friendly and we do our best to accommodate multilingual speakers. We welcome young kids and volunteers of all abilities to partake in the magic of planting a tree. It is important to us that our entire community be included in these events. When you register you can let us know what access needs you might need to engage fully. REGISTER HERE
March 22nd - 9am-1pm
Peace Lutheran Church Parking Lot - 2106 S. Cushman Ave. Tacoma, WA 98405
9:00 - Volunteer Check-In (Coffee and light snacks)
9:15 - 1pm - Welcome, Planting Demo, Volunteer Orientation and then Planting

Hilltop Neighborhood Tree Walk & Roll
Whether you prefer to walk or roll, this event will bring you joy as we admire Hilltop’s diverse trees.

Puyallup Tribal Tree Share
Come pick up free native shrubs and trees for your property! All plants are in 1 to 4 gallon containers and are first come first serve. Connect with our plant experts to choose the right plants for the right place on your property.
North End Neighborhood Volunteer Training
Did you know there are many parts of the North End where tree canopy coverage is lower than the city average? This spring, we are teaming up with the North End Neighborhood Council to promote tree planting opportunities in the least-shaded parts of the neighborhood!
Join us for a volunteer canvassing training on March 6th to learn how to talk to your North End neighbors about all the different ways they can access trees and planting resources. We will share our new maps of the best blocks for street trees in the neighborhood. Then, on Saturday, March 8th, we will organize a door-knocking activity to get the word out about the benefits of having trees in every neighborhood.
Location: Mason United Methodist Church, 2710 N Madison St, Tacoma, WA 98407—Classroom 114
This project is being funded by a Sustainability Small Grant from the City of Tacoma’s Environmental Services Department.

Traveling Through Time with Trees with Sarah Low
How old is the oldest tree in the world? Find out by traveling 290 million years into the past, and learn about trees that lived among dinosaurs, trees whose spread covers 100 acres, and many other living marvels.

Native, Adaptive, Invasive: A Conversation
Join a diverse panel of advocates and experts to explore the relationship between native and adaptive species, the difference between adaptive and invasive species, the demands of climate change on gardening, landscaping, and urban forestry, and how to advocate for native species while cultivating environmental justice.

Church + Trees Webinar
How churches can access, fund, plant & preserve trees as faith-based climate resilience. FREE. Register now to secure your spot.

Likely to Fail?: The Role of Arborists in Determining Tree Health
How well do arborists assess the likelihood of failure due to decay? Join us to learn the results of research conducted to determine how arborists and the tools they use are involved in determining tree health.

Donkey Creek Tree Share
Celebrate the new year by adopting trees and shrubs for your neighborhood!

South Tacoma Library Tree Share
We can have more trees and more affordable housing. Join the community conversation and gathering to build more empathy for our unhoused neighbors at the South Tacoma Library Feb 1st from 3-4:30. Pick up a free tree or shrub from 2:30-5pm.

McKinley Neighborhood Tree Walk
Get to know McKinley Hill through its Western redcedars, Doug-first, and birches, and find beauty in our winter streetscapes! We’ll also learn about street trees and their benefits, finding the right spot for specific tree species, and we’ll connect with each other. Join us! Our walks are held rain or shine!

Lauren E. Oakes with Pooja S. Tandon and Lowell Wyse
Lauren E. Oakes discusses her new forestry book with pediatrician, professor, and researcher Pooja S. Tandon and Lowell Wyse, the Executive Director of Tacoma Tree Foundation. Treekeepers shows how the path from climate change to a habitable future winds through the world’s forests.

Hilltop Tree Stewards Training
Do you care about Hilltop? Would you like to help increase its tree canopy?
You will learn information on tree selection, planting, and pruning young trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to engage in the Hilltop tree planting and tree care event.

Technical Pruning Workshop
Did you plant a tree 3-5 years ago? You’re done establishing your tree! What comes next? PRUNING! Now is a good time to learn how to properly care for it by pruning it at the right times and in the right way, so that it can continue to grow healthy and reach maturity.
Join Sarah Low, the Tacoma Tree Foundation, and the City of Tacoma, Urban Forestry Program for this hands-on workshop.
This Program is funded with the support of the Community Tree Program.

Felt Forests Workshop
Get into the holiday spirit with TTF and Remakery at this fun workshop where we’ll learn how to use reclaimed and donated fibers to needle adorable little trees with felt!

Pick up your FREE TREE!
We invite you to join the work party to help preserve our Fircrest Green Space at Whittier Park! Bring your gloved and tools! Our friends from the Pierce Conservation District will lead us at the work party! Register HERE.

State of the Urban Forest 2024
Join Tacoma Tree Foundation Executive Director, Lowell Wyse, to learn how we can seize this moment and grow our love of trees into a movement that sustains our region’s urban forests through the climate challenges of the 21st century.

Branch Out - Volunteer Planting Event
Please bring your own water bottle and gloves if you prefer them them. Dress for all weather, dirt/mud and sturdy shoes. TTF will provide all planting tools and equipment, coffee, snacks, water and gloves.
Branch Out provides planting assistance to participants that need it. This is an offsite planting event, which means you'll be driving from planting site to planting site, either in a carravan of cars or carpooling. TTF will divide up all registered volunteers into small planting teams lead by a TTF Training Tree Captain. As a group you'll travel to 2-5 planting sites, meet the resident and plant their tree for them.
Requesting Teams: Please list the names of fellow volunteers you'd like to be grouped with, if applicable.
Under-Age Volunteers: If you'd like to bring a minor, please list their names and ages in the volunteer request box. Each minor that accompanies you will be your responsibilty. All adults (18+) need to register individually.
Please provide any other needs or details in the accessibility box (i.e. I will have a stroller, I need to leave early, spanish speaking team would be prefered.)
9:00 - Volunteer Check-In (Coffee and light snacks)
9:15 - Welcome - Planting Demo - Volunteer Orientation
10:00 -1pm - Planting

Swan Creek Park Tree Walk with Sarah Low
Doug-firs, Pacific madrones, and Western redcedars are just some of the many beautiful trees that live and grow in Swan Creek’s wondrous urban forest. Come walk with us, learn how to identify native and adaptive species, and listen for the sounds of fall.

Branch Out
Help us find fir-ever homes for these trees in Hilltop, Eastside, South End and South Tacoma neighborhoods.
Branch Out is a tree giveaway collaboration between multiple community partners to collectively grow the Tacoma-area urban forest. Our intent is to uplift and call out the intersection of trees, human health, equity, and community building. Past and present community partners with Tacoma Tree Foundation include: Homeownership Center NW, Valeo Vocation, VFW McKinley, SunAlliance, Tacoma Public Schools, Pierce Conservation District, City of Tacoma Urban Forestry Program, and Pierce County Parks. Funding for Branch Out is provided by the City of Tacoma and the Community Tree Program.
We believe that everyone deserves tree-lined streets, but Tacoma’s tree canopy is distributed unevenly. Each Branch Out tree that is planted in our focus neighborhoods helps close the tree equity gap, helping all of Tacoma’s communities grow healthier, happier, and grittier in the face of pollution and extreme weather.

Trees and Wildlife Presentation
We know trees give humans clean air, shade, and wellness. But trees also benefit our urban forest’s wildlife!
During this talk with Sarah Low, we will learn about the relationship between trees and other living organisms. We will discover some of the organisms that live in and around trees.
We’ll scratch the surface of the soil to learn about mycorrhizae
We’ll crawl along the bark and branches to talk about ants, moths, butterflies, and bees
And we'll fly around the leaves to discover birds and bats.
This talk will also teach us how we can care for trees to encourage a diverse and thriving ecosystem.
Join us at the Tacoma Public Library, South Tacoma Branch. This program is possible thanks to Tacoma Creates and our Tacoma Public Library partners.

Bilingual South Tacoma Walk
Time: 10:00-11:30AM
Meeting Point: Edison School Entrance | 5830 S Pine St, Tacoma, WA 98409
Join us for a bilingual neighborhood tree walk in South Tacoma where we will learn about the beautiful native trees that grow in this neighborhood, including amazing Oregon white oaks! South Tacoma is one of our priority neighborhoods due to its very low tree canopy. During this walk, we’ll identify the trees that provide shade and other benefits to neighborhood residents, and learn about the neighborhood through its tree stories.
Bring comfortable shoes, check the weather forecast, and bring what you need to feel comfortable throughout the walk, including water to stay hydrated!
CAMINATA BILINGÜE ECOURBANA con Alejandro Fernández y Sarah Low
Hora: 10:00-11:30 AM
Punto de Encuentro: Entrada de la Escuela Edison | 5830 S Pine St, Tacoma, WA 98409
Acompáñanos en esta caminata bilingüe en South Tacoma donde aprenderemos sobre los hermosos árboles autóctonos que crecen en este barrio, como el roble blanco. Aunque South Tacoma es uno de los barrios con menos árboles en la ciudad, tiene bellas especies que aprenderemos a identificar y a apreciar a través de sus historias.
Trae zapatos cómodos, consulta el pronóstico del tiempo, y trae lo que necesites para estar cómode. También trae tu botella de agua para mantenerte hidratade.

Nature Explorers Fall Leaves Walk
Join us at the beautiful Lincoln Park for our first Nature Explorers walk of the year! We’ll learn to identify tree species paying attention to their shapes, leaves, and trunks. We’ll also learn about why leaves fall this time of year and what to look out for as winter approaches! Come learn with us!

Green Blocks: Lincoln Volunteer Planting Event
More details on the website

Native Forests and Health: Living in Relationships
Co-hosted by Tacoma Tree Foundation, UW Botanic Gardens, and Windz of Change Alliance

Teruko Nimura’s Wasteland Dreams
Join local artist and current Environmental Services Artist in Residence, Teruko Nimura, to consider the volume and scale of our waste, and the labor that goes into making the immeasurable objects that we throw away every day.

Healing Connections Haiku Comics Workshop
Join us at the Second Annual Healing Connections Symposium for a Haiku Comics workshop with local award-winning graphic artist, David Lasky!

Green Tacoma Day
What does restoring and caring for Tacoma's green spaces look like to you and your community?
Join Tacoma Tree Foundation and community partners to explore family-centered activities and adopt trees to expand your home's green space. Register as a volunteer to support the event or stop by on Green Tacoma Day with your friends and family to enjoy this local green space celebration! Check out the Green Tacoma Day website to sign up or learn more about how you can support green spaces in Tacoma.