Mission & Focus
The Tacoma Tree Foundation is focused on educating, empowering, and supporting community greening efforts in the Greater Tacoma area, Pierce County, and the watersheds of the Puget Sound.
Our future has trees in every neighborhood, healthy vibrant and cohesive communities that sustain tree planting, tree care and tree education. Neighbors helping neighbors to grow a greener, healthier, and more connected Greater Tacoma, Pierce County and the watersheds of Puget Sound.
Our Values
Community Inclusion
Supporting inclusive and safe communities for all ethnicities and races, ages, genders, abilities, cultures, and lifestyles through tree stewards trainings, tree appreciation, care, and planting education.
Community Cohesion and Social Capital
Leading social cohesion and civic engagement through restored community, mutual caring, and advocacy for trees and community.
Urban Trees and Neighborhood Greenspaces
Promoting tree protection, planting, and neighborhood greening where it is most lacking through tree giveaways, planting projects, and tree walks.
Community Health and Human Well-Being
Working to ensure healthy lives and well-being through community greening that is shaped by neighborhood residents.
Land Acknowledgement
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We gratefully honor and acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People. The Puyallup people have lived on this land since the beginning of time. They are still here today. They live, work, raise their children, take care of their community, practice their traditional ways and speak the Twulshootseed language – just as their ancestors did.
Tacoma needs trees. We have the lowest tree canopy coverage of any city in Western Washington. Our trees are concentrated in parks, steep slopes, and neighborhoods with higher socioeconomic opportunities. These parts of the city benefit from more than double the tree coverage compare to other areas. But even in these neighborhoods, tree benefits are not optimal since a healthy urban forest throughout Tacoma is necessary to sustain everyone. We’re working to grow an urban forest for all. Read all about how we did this work in 2024.
At the Tacoma Tree Foundation, we see greening as a gateway to civic engagement and an opportunity to cultivate social cohesion. We focus our efforts on educating, empowering, and supporting community members in greening activities. Together we can grow a greener, healthier, and more connected Greater Tacoma area. Click here to see our full Strategic Plan.