Free Trees for Tacoma’s Lincoln Neighborhood.

Through the Community Tree Program, Tacoma Tree Foundation and the City of Tacoma Urban Forestry Program are bringing trees to Tacoma’s Lincoln neighborhood in October 2024. Residents in the designated project area of Lincoln can sign up to receive free trees for their RIGHT-OF-WAY, along with other supporting services. We will be offering delivery and tree care guides for all, planting assistance for those who request it, and planting guidelines for those who wish to plant on their own. 

Our goal is to distribute 300 hundred trees to 120 homes within our project area! According to the City’s new Tree Planting Prioritization tool, the Lincoln Green Blocks project area falls within Very High to High Tree Planting Priority census blocks. Planting trees in high tree planting priority areas will have multiple positive impacts such as bolstering community resilience, increasing human health outcomes, and improving individual quality of life. We hope you will consider planting 2 or more trees if you participate in Green Blocks.

Tree requests (including tree delivery and optional planting assistance) will be open from July 15th to Sept 16th. Tree requests are limited to preferences for evergreen trees and deciduous trees. We invite you to share your goal for tree planting (sound reduction, shade, beauty) to help guide us in tree selection. Review our planting and tree spacing guides and confirm a tree can fit in your Right-of-Way.

Requests will be reviewed by TTF and City of Tacoma staff where we will review each property’s planting conditions and create a planting recommendation. We will request utility locates via 811 to confirm that there are no conflicting utilities in your right-of-way. Specific trees will be offered via email by mid-September. The offers must be confirmed by October 4th in order to plan for delivery and planting assistance. Once trees are confirmed they will be delivered the week of October 21st with volunteer planting assistance available on October 26th, 2024.

Double-check you’re in the project area before you submit your request.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What kind of trees will be offered?

We provide a variety of trees that can meet the diversity of planting sites as well as tolerate the harsh urban conditions. We provide both deciduous and evergreen trees, taking into consideration species that provide color, shade, and diminish urban sounds. We do not guarantee any specific trees. If you have a strong preference on tree species and size, we invite you to utilize the Tree Coupon Program or the Pierce Conservation District Urban Tree Sale.

Green Blocks trees are reserved for our community members who face social, financial or physical barriers to accessing trees. If you do not face these barriers and are eager to support the greening of Lincoln District, we encourage you to volunteer. Help to get the word out and assist in planting trees for your neighbors. Scroll down to sign up for our planting event.

Will you consider utilities and powerlines?

Tacoma Tree Foundation will submit utility locates once individuals confirm participation in the program. TTF staff will visit each property to assess how many trees appropriately fit within the right-of-way considering under and above ground utilities. Your tree offering will factor in these planting site details.

What if I’m outside the Project Area?

You won’t be able to receive trees within this program but can take advantage of many other tree share programs. Check out our Community Greening PDF to find out which tree programs you qualify for. We also always welcome tree enthusiasts to volunteer with us, become a tree steward or attend our many tree advocacy events!

Will you help me take care of my tree once it is planted?

Through our Community Tree Program partnership with the City, we will provide you with tree care resources, watering materials and reminders. The Tacoma Tree Foundation is dedicated to educating, empowering, and supporting community members in neighborhood-based greening.

Volunteers make Green Blocks possible! Join us.

October 26th 9am-1pm

Lincoln Park - 801 S 37th St, Tacoma, WA 98418 

Volunteer registration CLOSES on October 18th!

All ages welcome, no experience required. Green Blocks is an off-site planting event, which means we carpool or caravan to residential properties. Join a planting team, led by a trained tree captain and get dirty planting trees in your neighborhood! We provide the tools, the trees and the fun! Tacoma Tree Foundation’s planting assistance events help remove barriers to tree planting in our communities. We have a blast and couldn’t do it without our amazing volunteers!

9:00 - Volunteer Check-In

9:15 - Welcome/Arbor Day Celebration - Planting Demo - Volunteer Orientation

10:00 -1pm - Off Site Planting

We'll follow up with more information closer to the event. Please share this registration widely.

Sept 21st 9am-4pm

Eastside Community Center


Green Blocks is a program of the Tacoma Tree Foundation, funded and bolstered by our partnership with the City of Tacoma’s Urban Forestry program. Funds for this project were provided by the City of Tacoma’s Community Tree Program.

Tacoma Tree Foundation is offering a FREE Tree Stewards Training. This day-long training will include information on tree selection, planting, and pruning young trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to engage their Tacoma neighborhood in tree planting and tree care event. 

Up to 20 tree stewards will receive the skills they need to take local actions and engage with their communities about sustainability and stewardship. 

Snacks, light refreshments and lunch will be provided. Applications from the Tacoma Frontline Communities will be prioritized.

Green Blocks is a program of Tacoma Tree Foundation. This project is in partnership with the City of Tacoma Urban Forestry Program. Funding provided by the City of Tacoma.