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Green Drinks

Calling all local environmentalists and nature enthusiasts! We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Green Drinks, where we will shine a spotlight on the incredible Greening Research in Tacoma project (G.R.I.T.) happening right here in our community.

The Tacoma Mall neighborhood is faced with challenges like low tree coverage, extensive pavement, and a rapidly growing population. But fear not! G.R.I.T. is here to pave the way for a greener and healthier future.

G.R.I.T. is a groundbreaking collaboration between the Tacoma Tree Foundation, The Nature Conservancy in Washington, the University of Washington, and the City of Tacoma. Together, they are diving deep into the intersection of human health and increased greening.

At this month’s Green Drinks, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Learn about the environmental factors in South Tacoma and what it means for community members

Understand the importance of trees, green spaces, and urban planning in creating healthier cities

Network and connect with like-minded environmentalists, researchers, and community members

Green Drinks is open to everyone who is passionate about creating a greener and more sustainable Tacoma. Whether you’re an environmental expert, a concerned citizen, or simply curious about attending, your presence will make a difference!

See you there!

May 25

State of the Urban Forest

June 6

Lunch-and-Learn with Jason Swann from Rising Routes talking about equitable access to nature.