Our Blog
Delightful Terrors: Getting Lost in the Woods
Halloween is different this year; for one, it feels much more necessary to have a break from everyday life. It’s been an escape to watch scary movies and put on spooky soundtracks, a diversion from the uncertainty and chaos that this year has brought. It’s been almost a delight to worry for an hour about witches or curses or being lost in the woods. There’s been something cathartic about dealing with a known terror, versus the uncertainty and ambiguity of the present moment.
Planting and Sustaining
We are in the height of planting season and we have been planting and sharing plants for the last several weeks. But, as we plant, we must also protect. Every day trees are being cut for development. Sometimes that is necessary, but far too often, alternatives are not considered. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
In a Year of Disrupted Learning, What Can We Learn From Nature?
Even before grit became a trendy personality trait, Tacomans had it. Tacomans know how to persevere and keep going when things get tough. Grit fits in with adaptability and resiliency, the art of bouncing back and forging through tough circumstances.
Greening Grit City, One Knock at a Time
The end of summer means getting ready for planting season for all of us here at Tacoma Tree Foundation. Our team member Alejandro has been invaluable at getting out into the community and getting trees into the ground. We asked him to share his experience with Grit City Trees, community outreach, and why this work matters to him.
The Radical Healing Power of Our Standing Trees
When you’re sick or injured, there’s a whole new set of actions you need to take to become healthy again.
Tacoma Tree Foundation's Anti-Racism Roots
At Tacoma Tree Foundation, addressing the impacts of environmental racism is one of our core principles.
‘Forest bathing’: the Benefits & the How-tos
Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, is a Japanese healing technique that relies on individuals’ total immersion in a green space.
If you have the opportunity to practice this technique reflect on the impact it may, or may not, have had on you. For many, COVID-19 has increased the amount of time spent at home, so practicing forest bathing might be a great way to get outside to stretch your legs and calm your mind.
Learning the Value of Time Spent Outside
After you spend time outdoors, whether you devoted your entire day to taking a hike or you simply took a stroll around your neighborhood, how do you feel? Do you feel more relaxed and at peace with your surroundings? Does your internal dialogue and laundry list of to-do’s feel less overwhelming? Chances are yes.
Finding Home in a New Forest
Maria’s home forest made her feel safe and made her feel at peace. It was noisy and exuberant, connecting Maria to a web of life that was much larger than herself.
On Gratitude
What is the history of Thanksgiving? What could we do if we center gratitude for and awareness of the natural world into our daily routines? Could the actions that come from a place of gratitude restore our relationships with each other and with the natural world that we are so deeply connected?